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[영어공부] 테슬라 액면분할_Tesla is doing a stock split 👀 (Ep. 613)

Jmeok 2022. 6. 13. 09:22

3 for 1 :  3분의 1


When is it going to happen 


How is it going to impact tesla shareholders.


The annual shareholder meeting for tesla will be held on august 4th. 


Why stock split ? 

  • Allows more flexibility for employees to take advantage of employee stock purchase plan.(ESPP)
    • ESPP프로그램을 위해. 
  • More accessible to retail shareholders.
    • 소액 주주가 매매를 더 수월하게 하도록.




Tesla proxy statement for annual shareholder meeting: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/da...